"Another Still Life with a Guitar"
24 x 24" acrylic on canvas. In this painting I particularly like the "movement" , starting somewhere in the lower canter and driving the viewer upward through the rapids of the ivy and the (sound hole??) of the guitar. If that's not the correct term for it, and I'm sure it's not, then one of my arty musician friends will undoubtedly correct me. And welcome to it. I'm still painting on unstretched canvas. There are advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that I save time and space by not stretching the canvas until the painting sells. Unstretched canvases can be laid flat or gently rolled with other paintings of a similar time frame or subject matter. I group mine by date of creation, since my archives are posted by date-code. The disadvantage is that the support that the unstretched canvas is adhered to is, in my case, heavier and more cumbersome than a stretched canvas. I clip mine, as I have undoubtedly mentioned, to a sheet of heavy plexiglass with some spring clips. The weight of the plexiglass is more than that of a stretched canvas, and the spring clips are in the way when I try to turn the canvas on its side. Not to mention, the sometimes let the canvas slip. Mere annoyances. But.....I have an idea. Tomorrow I will rummage in the shed for some of those plastic clips that hold the cover on my pool. I'll let you know how it turns out. mj
What a wonderful life!
Not only do I get to paint constantly, and paint what I want to, I also get to post them here for people to look at! This is a slide show of an exhibit I did called "Multiple Personalities" . They are quite honest portraits of myself and some friends who submitted their goofy selfies so I could paint big 30 x 40" portraits of them. Although they haven't been exhibited as a whole, as a "Multiple Personalities" exhibit, obviously due to the short-sightedness of the gallery owners and curators (haha no offense), they have been exhibited individually in some high quality shows. Most of them are in private collections, with the remainders waiting to go into OTHER private collections. Your move.
Here's a short video featuring some of the "Red and Black" mixed-media watercolors that I created over the years.
Hope you like it. If you don't, I don't wanna hear it. You can like it on YouTube, and follow my channel if you do. Maybe I can make some more videos. mj Corona Virus Quarantine projects.....
Being a PC guy...I'm trying to learn to make videos using IMovie on my phone. Unfortunately, an IPhone is absolutely the smallest and worst thing ever for viewing and editing video clips. Having exactly 4 followers on my YouTube channel, I'm not sure it is worth it to invest in an apple IMac, although they are very pretty. I tried making slide-show videos with still photos, but I inevitably get immersed in painting and forget to take still photos. It's like here I am doing the background, here I am starting to add some color, and oops dammit, here I am signing my name to the finished painting. Hey! You can go to my YouTube Channel and follow me! Maybe I'll get enough followers that I will buy a real Mac! Maybe...... You can do it here.......https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQCOXEw7csgDzCFd0_OtZIA QUARANTINE PORTRAIT #4
24 x 24" acrylic on canvas I just wanted to juxtapose the pretty pink face mask with the anger and fear in my eyes. i started to put flowers on the mask, but, hey, less is more, right? Simple Horror. Once again, thank you to Dylan Spaulding for the great headshot for source material. |
Micheal W. JonesThoughts and work from a mid-career artist working his ass off every day Archives
October 2021
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